Download Free Muzak v3.5 Music Premium WordPress Theme

Muzak v3.5 is awesome and fantastic Music Premium WordPress Theme and this WordPress Theme is ideal for Musicians, Bands, DJ’s and for eve... thumbnail 1 summary
Download Free Muzak v3.5 Music Premium WordPress Theme
  • Muzak v3.5 is awesome and fantastic Music Premium WordPress Theme and this WordPress Theme is ideal for Musicians, Bands, DJ’s and for everyone who is concerned in Music Business plus its features is perfect for your site. 
  • Muzak Music WordPress Theme is perfect theme we ever created for musicians and you can easily manage your forthcoming events in an awesome way and you can also display them on map, if you are not interested in displaying on map you can turn it off from Theme Setting Panel. 
  • Now this WordPress Theme gives you chance to share your unique music with your fans, it may be self hosted files using sound manager2 or fixed sounds from SoundCloud and our experts have added tons of features like Albums or Music added via Discography Setting to satisfy customers. 
  • With this theme you are able to share you music videos with your fans is not a headache means now it’s very simple either by Self Hosted or from services such as Vimeo, Youtube or dailymotion and more plus you can share fantastic captured moments by creating photo galleries with this. 
  • We have added some new features while creating the latest version of Muzak Music and those are Added Search template (search.php), Added automated video thumbnail for video post type, Added ID’s in flexslider snippets so that fieldsets can be targeted and get hidden if not needed and more.